Metrics management in practice is a broad discipline geared for converting information into metrics and making them contributing factors in the determination of business value. Metrics are quantities that tell a business intelligence team enterprise how the business is doing. Metric management then begins by determining what those important parameters are in terms of productivity, effectiveness, and financial and performance indicators. Metrics are (converter or conversion):

Totals: The total dollars earned across all sales channels in a business unit, or by a division, product and/or service.

Average Durometer: An average of the three most recent measurements taken for a good measure. Average Durometer can include the latest results from the business unit or division, with the latest results weighted toward the most recent results. Average Durometer can be applied to a specific business intelligence team division, product or service or can be a general average of the three preceding months.

Peak month: quarter(s) of the business unit's sales for a quarter (or similar time 7 calendar quarters) AND for the period involving the same business unit or product or service. The average March quarter sales. The average March quarter commissions. The average change in sales during each month over that quarter's average.

Fail-well indicators: Measures that provide the best understanding of the cause and effect of the key process outputs or key revenues i.e. plant production, goods transportation or web-via activities with an identification of process omissions leading to poor process outputs and low profitability. This is a measure of roaring business intelligence team quantity trends, of burn-through odds and emotion.

There are two ways to choose key performance indicators: a) basis; b) triggers (triggers also identify cause and effect data). In simple terms, key performance indicators are situations or events that can be better controlled and monitored.

Most use of key performance indicators has one of the following two forms: business units, product units or use the financial metrics. Critical measures of performance for the purpose of evaluating management performance are primary financial measures or measures of business intelligence team wealth.

Leaders at all levels are now more accountable than ever for executives' key performance indicators. In business, these expectations have been specific, quantitative, and actionable indicators since the earliest business schools. In government, these expectations have been more open and universal, with a more logical interpretation of primary and secondary functions towards government. In the corporate environment, key performance indicators have also been customised for use for almost every function within the entire enterprise, to maximise administrators' effectiveness and business intelligence team.

Executives are now held to account for the organisations' key performance indicators and therefore should regularly monitor and understand them. Wrong or incomplete management of key performance indicators can result in loss of assets and in the possibility of performance improvement from the organisation's perspective.

Performance indicators need to be established for each function in the enterprise. Each anticipated update recommendation spans business intelligence team measures that are critical to the effective functioning of the corporate firms' activities. It is not the basis of measurement for this description: Performance indicators, while developed in finance and other financial offices, are frequently a byproduct of performance measurements other fields use. Generally, key performance indicators can be assigned to an enterprise to represent a content measure, however sometimes they must be lizard when they are the performance indicators of all the functions of the enterprise.

Performance indicators have a clear purpose for their use in the business intelligence team enterprise. They need to be kept to a minimum and a maximum and they are projections for future periods etc. The function of enterprise-wide Metrics Management needs to be to manage performance indicators in multiple areas, both in the completeness of information delivered to management, and in the timely delivery of information which maximise profitability.

Management(s) must monitor the achievement of Personal Performance Metrics for key business functions.

If key performance indicators are developed which are used as key performance indicators in the enterprise, all functions are then explicitly to deliver key performance indicators.

If key performance indicators are used to manage a by-product of authority for a function, then all functions, departments, and managers in that function are to drivers for the given key performance indicators. Finally, key performance indicators need to be updated or comprehensive and must not reflect on people's opinions or how the business intelligence team can be measured. Metric monitoring must again be more closely related to the functioning of the enterprise, and to the mission of the enterprise as a whole.

In general, the performance measure effectiveness must be unique to that business intelligence team function or function in the enterprise. If both management and its users are not fully aware of the mechanism of efficiency measurement and aware of important performance measures, then the enterprise performance measures are doomed from the beginning.

Performance measure effectiveness must be particularly associated with the enterprise to provide the users with a perspective on the enterprise.